Describe Various Construction Stages Involved in new Construction Project

What are the main stages of construction projects?

The construction of any structure originates from a certain idea. Depending upon the idea, the engineer, (Who is the only person connected with work right from the conception of the idea up to its execution) whó conceives the idea, carry out the site investigations prepares designs & drawings, determines estimates & decides about the specifications, arranges for labour and material, is a key person for the successful completion for any project. Every construction work may be of small size or large size passes through different stages in construction which are the following points below.
  1. Conception
  2. Design
  3. Contract
  4. Construction & Supervision


1. Conception

It is often said that necessity is the mother of the invention which may be an intermediate one or of future in order to satisfy social and public needs. Sometimes the idea originates due to the individual efforts of farsighted personalities. Whenever an idea is conceived, it must be given due thought in order to generate sufficient interest for its further consideration and development. Therefore, it is very important that an engineer should have the foresight to visualize the future necessities and this very effect gives us sufficient time for thinking, examining various alternatives, and comparing each proposal according to its merits and demerits. Finally, that proposal is accepted which is economical and which gives more benefits to the public. In order to establish the economy of the project or the social requirement, preliminary surveys, and rough estimates are prepared before submitting the proposal finally to the government, if it is a government project. For this proposal, administrative approval accorded and finally, budget provision is made at this stage but if it private organization final decision is taken from the management then efforts are made to raise the funds for the project.

2. Design

Before carrying out the designs it is essential to invest the site in order to determine various soil properties, bearing capacity the soil, drainage facilities available, water table position, surreal environment of the site, etc. Survey work is also carried out for final the alignments, for taking possession of the land and the approval of in authorities, etc. On the basis of the investigations carried out, the design is made and efforts are done at this stage to make the project economic If no designs are made then the project will ultimately become uneconomical and full benefits as desired may not be derived at a later stage... 


Before carrying out the design works, thorough planning should be done regarding the project so that in the later stages no changes are made and if these are made then the project is likely to become expensive. Therefore every part of planning should be given due importance. 

After designing, drawings and estimates are prepared and effort should: be made so that these are accurate. Estimates should be as accurate as possible because it gives the engineer in charge complete information regarding the number of funds required, quantities of various items of works and materials, type of labour, time for the completion of the project, etc. The drawing work should be clear and detailed so that during the execution of the work there may not be any misunderstanding. All dimensions should be clearly written because while the work is being executed, the drawing is the only guide to the engineer and if he is unable to read the same properly then it will cause a delay in the completion of the project. 


In the construction of the project, certain specifications must be clearly mentioned regarding the selection and use of the materials. As far as possible importance should be given to the locally available materials and resources. Generally, standard specifications should be used because contractors and laborers are familiar with it. The specifications should be simple and straight forward in view of the final output. But if certain specifications are not provided then the engineer in charge should be enough to adopt the same as per his experience and common sense. 

3. Contract

Once the designs, drawings, and the estimate prepared then the next stage is the method of getting the work done! some private agency which may be a firm or a person at a special and cost. It is done by awarding a contract at the best terms available for which tenders are called from various persons and firms. The rates quoted by each of them are compared and the individual quoting the minimum rates is awarded the work of execution.

4. Construction & Supervision

In this case, the actual work is executed as per the designs and as per the drawings. There should not be any variation of the site considered at the time of design otherwise there will be problems for which solutions are required which will cause a delay in the completion of the project. During this stage, the materials required for the construction work are procured so that the supply is regular and ensured as it has a great effect on the economy of construction. If the materials are less at the site then the labour may remain unutilized and if the quantity ... of materials are more then there may be storage problems which may cause wastage, deterioration, and obstruction to the labourers if not stacked properly. As and when required the materials should be available and this very effect depends upon the interest of the engineer in the work, his imagination, and professional sound knowledge. The engineer is supposed to carry out effective supervision which ensures quality works safe from accidents. The supervisor checks the wastage of materials and labour at the same time ensuring proper appearance, strength, and durability of the work. But generally, in actual practice, the J.E. delegates powers to his works ministry, and the contractor delegates his power to his Munshi, and finally, when the structure is completed, the repairs become necessary. 


Sometimes during construction, certain problems are faced which are required to be referred to the designer for ultimate solutions. This means that there should be a continuous linkage between the designers and contractors/constructors throughout the period of execution so that their cs may not be any wastage of time.  

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