What is construction management? Explain various functions and Importance

What is construction management?

Construction Management technology is the art of planning, coordinating, and controlling a constructional activity to achieve specific objectives. It can also be defined as the process of directing the operation of an organization effectively and economically. 


Functions of Construction Management

Construction management is the art of arranging a group of different categories in order to achieve a common goal economically without affecting quality in a well planned and organized manner as per the available designs and specifications within the specified time limit and with the greatest possible economy. The functions of construction management are the following given below.
  1. Planning
  2. Organizing
  3. Staffing
  4. Directing
  5. Controlling
  6. Co-ordinating

1. Planning

Planning is a process which decides, (a) When to start (b) What to do (c) How to do 

The person responsible for planning must have thorough knowledge about the nature of the project which is to be executed and sufficient experience behind him so that wastage and delays are avoided. Whenever any project is to be started, the planner must keep in mind the period of completing the project, available labour, materials, and funds available for the completion of the project. He should also know the latest methods of construction and machinery in use as required in view of the type of the project from time to time. The planner should also keep in mind various uncertainties that are likely to cause delays such as weather conditions, shortage of supply materials, variations in the cost of materials from time to time, labour unrest, ill-health problems of the labour, etc. The planner is also supposed to decide the methods to be adopted for the execution of the work. 


2. Organizing

The proper and sound organization is the basis of the success of construction management. In any organization, people must co-operate with each other to achieve a specific goal. Any construction work can be successfully completed if all the employees co-operate among themselves without having any ill-feeling. Each and every individual may be at a lower level or higher level has biological, psychological, and social limitations. Organizing is one of the basic processes to unite the work of different people in order to achieve a common goal. In an organization, the duties and responsibilities of the employee are clearly defined.

3. Staffing

For the completion of any constructional work, skilled and unskilled persons are required. The number of such persons depends upon the type of the project i.e. whether the project is major or medium or minor. For example, if a dam is to be constructed then the number of persons required will be very high whereas if a single-story building is to be constructed then the number of persons required will be less. Similarly, there will always be variation in the requirement of labourers both skilled and unskilled depending upon the type of the project i.e. whether it is the construction of the road or construction of the canal or construction of head work, etc. While selecting the persons the right man for the right job should be selected, for example, a carpenter should always be selected for the job of carpentry and a welder should always be selected for the job of welding. A welder cannot do the job of a carpenter similarly the carpenter can not do the job of welder efficiently.


4. Directing

In directing, the main aim is that there is effective communication between various employees in order to create an awareness of the planned programs & the ways and means to be adopted for their effective implementation. In directing, the functions involved are motivating, guiding & supervising to achieve a common objective. In the construction of a building, the various stages of construction are layout, excavation, construction of brick masonry, construction of lintels, construction of doors and windows, etc. The labourers employed for the construction purposes must be made aware of the planned programs in the form of drawings, detailed specifications & other such details as essentially required by providing working drawings for every type of work such as the provision of electrical fittings, provision of water supply lines, provision of sanitary lines, etc


Whenever any project is planned for every activity which may be excavation or construction of brick masonry or plastering provision of doors and windows etc., some period of completion is planned earlier. Suppose that it is planned that the work of excavation is to be completed within 10 days. But on account of certain unknown reasons, which may be in the term of prevailing weather conditions or non-availability of labour or non-availability of machinery required for excavation, etc., the work of excavation could not be completed within the planned 10 days. But this work is completed in 18 days. On account of a delay of 8 days, other activities will have to be replanned, so that the project may not be delayed.



In any organization, the number of employees works together but the nature of each individual is different which means that there will definitely be a difference of opinion amongst various individuals. But for the success of the organization, it is very essential to have perfect harmony between various employees. In any large project, the work is divided into different categories in such a way that good co-ordination is obtained. 
The action of any individual involved in each activity should be such that it Cloesmotvidause any hindrance in the progress of any other activity. 

Importance of Construction Management

  1. Construction management practices invariably result in “maximum production at the smallest amount cost”. honest construction management ends up in the completion of a construction project among the limited budget.
  2. Construction management provides importance for optimum utilization of resources. In alternative words, it ends up in the completion of a construction project with considered use of accessible resources.
  3. Construction management provides necessary leadership, motivates workers to complete the troublesome tasks well in time, and extracts the potential skills of its workers.
  4. Construction management is helpful to society because the effective and economical management of construction comes can avoid, increase of prices, time overrun, wastage of resources, unlawful exploitation of labor, and pollution of the surroundings.


A construction manager’s job goes through each operation fastidiously and guaranteeing that everything is finished properly. By following these types of six functions of construction management, firms see an increase in the standard and efficiency of their comes.

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